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Did you know you can get great skin by eating these foods?
Face food
Vitamin b complex
an antiflammatory, soothes red irritated & blotchy skin.
Make a avacado mask
take one whole ripe acvacado & smatch up until creamy add
1 tea flaxseed oil & 1 tea honey mix well
leave on 15-20 min.
Face food
vitamin A
repairs skin cells
Face food
great for your complexion
Vitamin E
Face Food
Cottage Cheese
has selenium with is great when it's teamed
up with vitamin E
powerful free radial fightening antioxidant
Face food
Vitamin C
fights skin damage & wrinkles
helps collagen & protein in your skin.
Face food
fights pimples
high in Zinc. If you hate eating oysters
then taking a zinc supplements is great.
also helps boost elastin in the skin.
Face food
Wheat germ
vitamin B
if your deficincy in this vitmain it can cause
dermatitis & itchy scaly skin.
Face food
baked potatoe with skin
great cooper intake
works great to produce elastin fibers to support
skins structure.
Face food
rich in riboflavins
vitamin b2
improves roseasa & skin blemishes
Face food
Flaxseed oil
omega 3
hydrated the skin and also dilutes sebum & unclogs pores.